Brand Audit Group guides companies for better profitability through improved brand performance.

We believe this: what can be measured, can be managed. We measure brand value and predict its future growth potential. Our unique and proprietary brand analytics and measurement tools bring results!

Professor Kirsti Lindberg-Repo



Strategic brand management is core of Professor Kirsti Lindberg-Repo’s professional knowledge, enthusiasm as well as centre of her research, teaching and consulting. Kirsti’s interest in branding emerged when she was studying at Cornell University where she started her Ph.D research on Ben & Jerry's brand communication. She is also author of several branding books such as Titans of Service, Titans of Branding, and her latest book launched in October 2020, Brändi elvyttää kunnan. Brands are promises well delivered whether they are products or services. This is her brand story.

Spark your growth journey to Asia through Access to Asia investigation #AccesstoAsia


WHat is access to asia?

Navigating one of the biggest, high-growth economies in the world can be tricky. Given the nuanced cultures and localised ecosystems in Asia, a carefully thought-out strategy is required to plan your foray into the market.

Access to Asia is a one-stop-solution for Nordic companies looking to enter the Asian market.